
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 items
  • 230,00 €

    Please contact us by e-mail to inform us which colors and size you want to order.

  • Color :  Pink  écru  Mauve 

    75,00 €

    Cotton strap with a very solid buckle. Length 1.90m, breadth 2.5cm.

  • Color :  Pink  écru 

    100,00 €

    Cotton strap with a very solid buckle. Length 1.90m, breadth 2.5cm.

  • 240,00 €

    The yoga bricks are used to ensure the better alignment, maintenance and stability of the body into the yoga postures. The yoga bricks manufactured by Bakchich Baba are from solid wood and are the standard dimensions. The edges of the bricks are rounded for more comfort during the practice. Raw wood.

  • 130,00 €

    10 dream pillows for eye relaxation, with lavender and camomile. You can view the available colors in the section yoga props. Cotton cover.

  • Tapis avec oeillets sur mesure
  • Tapis de yoga en rouleau
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 items

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